New Music: Delta Rae

This week, I was gladly exposed to a song and video that while short, pulled me in completely. It hails from the year of 2011, so while not new by those standards, it’s quite new to me. With the song itself giving off a negro spiritual kind of a feel and the video portraying some element of a witch hunt, it is 2 minutes and 21 seconds of a fully developed story. The voices, the lyrics, the music, the imagery fit perfectly (…well maybe not the bright red mexican wrestling masks that popped up in the dead of night but, let’s pretend that never happened).

Check out Bottom of the River by the group Delta Rae (not the name of the lead singer as I initially thought) and tell me what you think.


New Music: Never Shout Never and Vance Joy

The act of finding new music/artists is oftentimes a form of obsession. At it’s most perfect, the process of discovery, for me, is usually this:

  1. Hear a song I like/see a random youtube cover/video. Listen repeatedly.
  2. Check out the original/other songs from the artist. Listen repeatedly.
  3. Find the album from the original artist. Listen repeatedly.
  4. Download entire discography. Listen repeatedly.

The full process doesn’t happen quite so often and when it does, it may take me months, years even, to get past #2. However, getting to #4 and being awash in the epic euphoria of a band/singer and their musical gifts in their entirety is an amazingly emotional experience. I’ll be sharing some of those amazing findings later on, but for now, check out these brand new finds in this, the first post in TILT: Things I’m Listening To.


Up for some easy, laid back chill indie tunes? Check out this tale of heartbreak and growing up in “Lousy Truth” from Never Shout Never.

And if you like strapping men with ukuleles, here’s Aussie boy Vance Joy with “Riptide”.

I liked this live version more. But if you wanna check out a contender for the most literal video ever, see the official video here. Also check out TheSmokingZebras whose covers led me to the songs above and whose videos are absolute gems.